3D Body Scanning

Understanding your body on a holistic level

The 3D Body scanner is a cutting-edge tool used in fitness and wellness industries to accurately measure body composition and track progress along a continuum to help lose weight and keep it off. With high-resolution cameras and innovative algorhytms, the system creates a 3D model of your body, yielding specific measurements of body fat percentage, lean muscle mass, and so much more!

3D Avatar

A 3D Avatar of yourself to visually track your progress.

Circumference Measurements

Circumference Measurements of your body at key points such as your thighs, neck, biceps, and more.

Body Composition Values

Body Composition Values including body fat percentage & lean muscle mass for specifically planned goals.

Advanced Reporting

To better help you understand your hurdles & how to overcome them.

Timeline Expectations

To keep you looking forward to your goals and being successful.


With Scale Down as your guide, we collaboratively help you attain your weight loss goals.